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Hi, I'm Alysha

Image by Kamran Abdullayev


Welcome to EvolveYOU: Your 9-Week Intensive Coaching Journey!

Are you ready to achieve stellar results and undergo a revolutionary 9-week coaching experience? Welcome to EvolveYOU, where we guide you through a comprehensive program designed to address common and unique life challenges, fostering your evolution into an even better version of yourself.




Strategic Life Plan:

  • Collaboratively create a strategic plan tailored to your unique goals and challenges.

  • Develop a roadmap for success in all aspects of your life.

Faith-Rooted Meditation and Mind-Body Techniques:

  • Learn our patented approach to faith-rooted meditation, reflection, breathwork, and neuroscience-influenced stretching.

  • Enhance focus, relieve stress, release tension, and cultivate a constant state of calm within your soul.

Unpacking Triggers and Deep-Rooted Emotions:

  • Explore and understand triggers, deep-rooted emotions, and mental blocks.

  • Develop strategies to navigate and overcome challenges with resilience and grace.

Transformational Habit Replacement:

  • Utilize our method to replace negative habits, thoughts, and learned behaviors.

  • Cultivate conscious, impactful, and positive responses and beliefs for lasting change.

Life Domain Harmony:

  • Rate and prioritize life domains to achieve overall harmony.

  • Set weekly goals within each domain for a holistic and balanced transformation.




Reflective Journeys:

  • Engage in weekly exploratory reflections on specific life domains, journaling experiences, and celebrating opportunities for learning, growth, and evolution.

Goal Setting and Achievement:

  • Set goals within each domain and work towards achieving them throughout the program.

Community Connection:

  • Join a supportive community of individuals on a similar journey. Share insights, and encouragement, and celebrate milestones together.


Building on the 9-Week Program:


EvolveYOU encompasses all the features of our 9-week program and goes beyond, offering an extended and immersive experience for those seeking profound personal and professional growth. Each week, you'll dive into a new aspect of your life, unpacking layers, and evolving into a more empowered and fulfilled version of yourself.


Are you ready to EvolveYOU? Embark on this 9-week intensive coaching journey and witness the transformative power of intentional growth. Your path to a more evolved, resilient, and vibrant life begins here. Join us and let's evolve together!



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